Overcoming adversity to make a real difference in MK

    Inspiring and moving tales from young people who have overcome the challenge of special educational needs or disability will be the highlight of what has become a popular annual event in Milton Keynes next month.

    MK SEND Information, Advice and Support Service and PACA MK (Parent Carer Forum) are holding their annual information event on Saturday 2nd February at the Ridgeway Centre in Wolverton.

    The event is for parents and carers, children and young people with a SEN or disability, and is expected to attract hundreds of people.  The theme for the 2019 event is: 

    Empowerment: Your life, Your Voice, Your Choice.

    A young person with a hearing impairment will be speaking about their experience and there will be a performance by What’s the Drama (a service for adults with both physical and learning disabilities).

    There will also be workshops for young people to enjoy including: Textiles, Forest School, Spectrum Community Arts, Bobicats Football, Creative Mojo Art and Inclusivity Dance. 

    There will be a pop up farm as well.

    There will be many information stands and representatives from local organisations, health service teams, council statutory services and national charities to offer support and information to families attending the event.

    Workshops will run in the morning and afternoon for parents/carers on:

    • Behaviour (Specialist Teachers)
    • Primary to Secondary Transfer (Specialist Teachers)
    • Strategies for Good Mental Health (Shanon Austin/MH service users)
    • Resilience (Educational Psychology Service)
    • Your Voice Matters (Karen Sheen)
    • Dyslexia success (David Schiff, Dyslexia Success)
    • ADHD (ADHD Smart)

    There will be a FREE crèche for parents to book as well as a FREE lunch and refreshments provided.  Parents will be informed of the event via schools, LA services, voluntary organisations and a variety of media.

    Parent feedback from last year’s event included, “Absolutely wonderful day, very informative, I really enjoyed it.  Everyone was really helpful.”


    One young person said about the Art workshop, “I enjoyed making and creating the happy tree.”

    The workshops for parents and young people must be booked in advance online as places will be limited: https://mksendinformationday2019.eventbrite.co.uk 

    If you would like to know more, please call: MK SEND IAS on 01908 254518 or PACA on 07852 526057.

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