Over 800 animals rehomed by the RSPCA in Buckinghamshire following 'huge' surge in pet ownership

    The RSPCA say that they have rehomed 897 pets in Buckinghamshire in the past year.

    The past year has seen a huge surge in pet ownership and the RSPCA rehomed 28,740 animals in 2020, with 897 rehomed in Buckinghamshire. 

    Currently, there are no figures for Milton Keynes individually.

    Dr Sam Gaines, head of the companion animals team at the RSPCA, said: “There has been a boom in pet ownership during the pandemic and whilst it’s great to see so many pets becoming a real source of comfort during the last year, it’s important that we remember that our mental health can impact on that of our pets and we need to make sure we consider their mental health and know how they are feeling.

    “From changes in their behaviour to their body language, our pets can give us insight into their mental wellbeing and it’s important that as pet owners we know how to spot these signs and act on them.”

    As dog owners go back to offices, the charity is concerned that some dogs may struggle to adapt to being left alone for short periods.

    One of the major reasons that dogs are relinquished is due to behaviour problems and research suggests that 85% of dogs may be affected by separation related behaviours.

    Most cats like routine and a disruption to this routine, like us returning to work and being absent from home,  may leave some feeling stressed or anxious.

    Fighting for resources with other cats, a change to their food or litter, a house move, or a new pet, are all factors which could lead to your cat becoming distressed. 

    Rabbits can often be a misunderstood pet because people assume that they are simple to care for.

    Rabbits are complex, social animals who can become distressed when they don’t have another rabbit friend, or the space they need to exercise and plenty of enrichment.

    Sam added: “This Adoptober we’re urging anyone thinking of getting a pet to consider adopting rather than buying an animal. Anyone who is thinking of getting a pet should do their research and check they have the time, money and lifestyle to care for an animal for its whole life.”

    You can contact Milton Keynes-based RSPCA centre here.

    For more information about Adoptober, click here

    To see the animals for rehoming click here.

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