Over 5,000 people in Milton Keynes rely on councils in house community alarm and response service

    The Care and Response service is open 24/7 to provide immediate assistance to vulnerable and elderly people who need help in their own homes.

    MK Council offers community alarms and telecare sensors and the service receives over 8,000 calls a month.

    The service is available for anyone, of any age who lives within the Milton Keynes Council area, who would like to feel safer or more independent at  home, this includes anyone who:

    - Is disabled or frail, has medical problems or is at risk of falls

    - Has been discharged from hospital and requires additional support.

    - Is at risk of domestic violence, harassment, repeat victimisation or distraction burglary

    Users can press a red button on the alarm unit or pendant if they need help.

    This will automatically connect to the Alarm Control Centre and the name address and contact details of the registered user will be displayed on the screen of one of our operators. 

    The operator will then talk to the user using a loud-speaker built into the alarm unit.

    The service allows users to feel more independent in their own homes.

    You can find out more here.


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