This past week marks one year since the devastating fire that completely destroyed Hobby Fish, a popular aquatics pet shop near Milton Keynes.
The large-scale blaze, which took place on May 25th 2020, started at the back of the premises due to faulty electrics.
Hobby Fish is owned by two brothers, Jonathan and Julian, whose family home joins onto the shop. Jonathan says that he was woken during that fateful night by his cat, which was patting him on the face.
Jonathan quickly alerted the fire services, who spent hours battling the blaze. They also worked to save all reptiles from the adjoining shop Wrigglies and as much of the livestock as possible.
However, the fire could not be contained and the brothers' family home and business was burnt to the ground.
Jonathan and Julian have worked for the last year with their insurance, the architects, engineers, and the council to plan and prepare to rebuild the aquatic centre. Planning permission has been requested for a new centre and living accommodation.
During this time the brothers have set up home in static caravans on-site to maintain security. They are open for business again in a temporary shop on site with a large selection of products and a well-stocked range of Tropical fish and Aquarium Plants.
The brothers, once planning permission is granted, are looking forward to the building work completing and life returning to a bit more normality.
They hope to have planning permission "very shortly".