The Old School in Wolverton is looking for autistic adults to take part in a new work experience programme that aims to help tackle issues around finding employment facing many adults with autism today.
Finding a job can be challenging at any time, but COVID-19 has undoubtedly made things even harder. And, if you are autistic, the challenges can be even greater. Even pre-Covid, a survey by the UK's National Autistic Society (NAS) of 2000 adults with autism revealed that only 16% were in full-time work, with significantly more wanting to be in paid employment.
A new project, called Making Tracks at the Old School, has been set up to help autistic people overcome some of the specific challenges they face when seeking employment. Thanks to a grant from the Social Enterprise Fund (via Big Issue Invest), the Old School Project will be offering work placements for autistic adults of all ages from December 2020, and they are now looking for autistic adults who are interested in taking part in this work placement project, as well as employers interested in finding out ways that they can help.
Whether this is someone's first foray into the world of work, or they are looking to return to employment, Making Tracks aims to provide a supportive environment to develop confidence, skills and experience.
With individual support from a work placement coach, the project will provide an opportunity to gain valuable experience in the workplace, employment based skills and support when approaching potential employers. Work placement trainees taking part in the project will also benefit from what The Old School calls a "Visual CV" - an opportunity for them to take away a film/photographic record of what they have done to show to prospective employers.
The Making Tracks Project has been established in conjunction with fellow social enterprise Track NN, who have a successful track record of supporting autistic adults into employment in Northampton.
For further information about the project click here.
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