Thousands of Maternity service users in Milton Keynes will be able to receive increased support to prevent and treat pregnancy-related incontinence and other pelvic floor issues, from this month.
Milton Keynes University Hospital this month sees the national roll out of the Perinatal Pelvic Health Service.
The service will see an increase in education and advice to enable self-management, supported by access to self-referral pathways and both group and 1:1 care using the specialist skills of healthcare professionals including midwives and pelvic health physiotherapists.
Every person who receives maternity care under a GP in Milton Keynes or birthing at Milton Keynes University Hospital will have access to the service throughout their pregnancy and following the birth.
Chrissie Edley, Perinatal Pelvic Health Service – Clinical physiotherapy lead, said: “Research shows that one in every three experiences urinary incontinence in the first three months after pregnancy, one in seven anal incontinence six months after birth and 1 in 12 report symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse.”
“We know there is a demand for a specialist service, and I’m delighted that we will be expanding the service across Milton Keynes. This is a service which was promised as part of the NHS Long Term Plan, so I am pleased that service users across Milton Keynes will have greater access to high-quality advice from a range of professionals.”
“Crucially, you can self-refer to the service with specific symptoms, so you don’t need to feel embarrassed about seeking help from your GP. GPs, midwives, health visitors and other professionals will also be able to refer service users if they think you would benefit from the help on offer.”
Milton Keynes University Hospital says more information is set to be released this month.