Bradwell Parish Council is appealing to local residents for name suggestions for a new community hall at their Suffolk Punch site.
In the latest edition of their spring newsletter, Bradwell Parish Council said: "Many residents will be aware that the parish are building a new community hall on the site of the old Suffolk Punch Public house in Heelands.
"By the time you read this article, we will hopefully have gained planning permission to build it. The hall will offer community space and will also house the parish office."
Describing the conundrum that they currently faced, the Council added: "At the moment the hall doesn’t have a name. Do you have an idea for a name, bearing in mind the area, the site and its heritage? Heelands street names are named after the north-west Yorkshire highlands."
Any locals with an idea for a name for the hall can send over their ideas to communications@bradwell-pc.gov.uk. The Council is accepting submissions up until the end of the month (Friday 30 April).
You can read more about what Bradwell Parish Council has planned for the local area in their newsletter, which can be accessed by clicking here.