Milton Keynes MPs Ben Everitt and Iain Stewart have responded to local Lib Dem claims that police numbers are falling.
Earlier this week, local Lib Dems released new figures suggesting that Thames Valley Police numbers have fallen, despite a national campaign to recruit more.
The figures released suggest that for the government to reach their target, they would have to increase to 25 per month over the next 15 months.
local Liberal Democrats have slammed the government for failing to keep their promise to communities, adding that there needs to be a return to full and proper community policing.
Councillor Robin Bradburn, Liberal Democrat Group Leader on Milton Keynes Council, commented: “People in Milton Keynes are being let down and taken for granted by this Conservative Government. With so many local crimes going unsolved, we desperately need more police on our streets and in our communities.
MKFM contacted Milton Keynes MPs Ben Everitt and Iain Stewart, for a response on these claims, Iain Stewart, MP for Milton Keynes South said force numbers vary month to month due to the number of retirals and new recruits.
He told us: “Not for the first time, the Lib Dems paint a highly misleading picture of the reality through a highly selective use of statistics.
“Force numbers vary month to month due to the number of retirals and new recruits. Overall, the trend is up and Thames Valley Police is on track to recruit an additional 365 officers.
"I want to take this opportunity to put on record my thanks for all the hard work of police officers in Milton Keynes.
“The Lib Dems should grow up.”
Ben Everitt MP told MKFM: "I campaigned for more police officers during the election, I always want more police officers on our streets, we've got more police on the streets than when I was elected and we will continue to recruit more officers.
"The police are doing a fantastic job and we should be supporting them rather than making political points with selective statistics."
This debate comes as Thames Valley PCC, Matthew Barber, yesterday (28/1) announced his spending plans for Thames Valley Police which will see new investment to keep our streets safer and bring more criminals to justice.
The plans have been endorsed by the Police and Crime Panel which approved setting the policing element of the council tax at £241.28 for a Band D property, keeping the increase below inflation at just 83p a month.
Following the budget meeting, Matthew Barber said: “These plans don’t just strengthen the capabilities for the coming year but lay the foundations for investment for the medium term to ensure that as police officer numbers continue to increase, the Force is equipped to focus on the crimes that matter most to the public and deliver justice for victims.”
Speaking about recruitment, Matthew Barber said: "Recruitment of additional police officers continues and is accelerating with a further increase of 244 officers in 2022/23 (including 13 for the South East Regional Organised Crime Unit). Beyond the national Police Uplift programme, I will seek to increase numbers to ensure the size of the Force at least keeps pace with our population growth."
He continued: “I’m delighted to have been backed by the Police and Crime Panel today with my budget proposal, which will have a direct and very positive impact on frontline policing in our area.
“In addition to the core policing budget, my work to reduce reoffending will improve the chances of those coming out of prison, as well as preventing more people from becoming victims in the future. This is part of my focus on crime prevention that also means a longer term partnership with local councils to help address anti-social behaviour across Thames Valley.”
You can find more information about plans for Thames Valley here.
READ MORE: Police numbers falling in Milton Keynes, say local councillors