Money chief bats off budget ‘shambles’ claim

    A leading councillor has batted off a claim that the council’s infrastructure spending budget is a “shambles” because of repeated multi-million pound under-spending.

    Each year the council earmarks millions of pounds for projects like roads, new schools and leisure centres across Milton Keynes, with last year’s budget set at £165 million.

    In the year to the end of March, the council underspent to the tune of £60 million, which a Tory opposition councillor focused on at a meeting this week.

    Cllr Allan Rankine (Cons, Bletchley Park) said he was “concerned that some of this year’s budget won’t be spent.”

    “Last year there was an £80million underspend in the capital programme,” said Cllr Rankine.

    “Rescheduling of projects is inefficient and creates additional costs when more than ever we need to keep tight control on spending.

    “Last year members were told that this year there would be new ways of working but this year’s underspend is £60 million. It’s a bit of a shambles, isn’t it?”

    Cllr Rob Middleton (Lab, Wolverton) is the council’s portfolio holder for budget and resources.

    He told the delegated decisions meeting on Tuesday (July 28) that items on the £355 million five year capital programme have undergone a “rigorous appraisal.”

    “Capital programmes are difficult to deliver,” said Cllr Middleton. “This is a very large one compared to most councils.”

    He pointed to Government investment programmes including the HS2 and East-West Rail schemes being “fraught with risk.”

    He added that the under-spends had been acknowledged and that the council had more to do.

    The meeting had been held so that Cllr Middleton could make a decision in public about changes to the capital programme.

    He approved changes, including releasing £1.129 million to fund consultants preparing a planning application for the regeneration of Fullers Slade.

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