MKFM Exclusive: 'The public of Milton Keynes should feel safe'

    Yesterday (7/4), we spoke with the Deputy Commander for Milton Keynes about police and crime in the local area.

    Following recent crime trends in Milton Keynes, MKFM is hosting an exclusive week of crime interviews where we put your questions to key decision makers.

    Yesterday, MKFM spoke with Chief Inspector Livingstone, the Deputy LPA Commander for Milton Keynes.

    Livingstone joined the Milton Keynes policing area in 2021 and has 17 years of service under his belt. He has worked in a number of departments and areas throughout his time within the police force.

    As part of MKFM's crime week, we have been asking questions and concerns that have been sent in to us by the community.

    One of the main topics raised throughout MKFM's crime week has been safety in Milton Keynes. Many members of the public have raised concerns of safety for their children and themselves when going out in Milton Keynes, following recent events.

    Chief Inspector Livingstone told us: "I think the pubic of Milton Keynes are safe."

    "There are fractions of criminal groups within Milton Keynes who want to hurt eachother, use knives, use weapons to hurt eachother and they have done that," he said: "they will probably continue to do that and that's up to us to police that with the help of the community.

    "It's quite sad to hear when members of the public say they're afraid to let their children play, as a police officer, as a dad, that's not a nice thing to hear."

    He continued: "We would really want the open communications with the communities to tell us when and where and why, and we will police that."

    He told MKFM that the force has a number of different mechanisms through various different channels that they can task their officers with.

    "Yes in short," he said: "yes I think the public of Milton Keynes should feel safe.

    "Do we have an undercurrent of people who want to cause harm in a criminal network? Yes. But at the same time, I think if you went to any big town or city, up and down the country, you would see the same."

    Listen back to the full interview with Chief Inspector Livingstone below: 

    There has been some changes to our news special schedule. Here is the updated list: 

    Monday 4th April 7PM - Matthew Barber, Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley Police

    Tuesday 5th April 7PM - Ben Everitt, MP for Milton Keynes North

    Wednesday 6th April 7PM - Cllr Peter Marland, Leader of Milton Keynes Council 

    Thursday 7th April 7PM - Chief Inspector Livingstone, Deputy Commander for MK

    Sunday 10th April 7PM - Iain Stewart, MP for Milton Keynes South

    Tuesday 12th April 7PM- Cllr Jane Carr


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