A local taxi driver has filmed a video asking passengers not to risk a 'dodgy cab with someone who might be an Islamic state thug'.
Clive Pinder, owner of Cybercabz in Milton Keynes, filmed the video and it has been circulating across the city over the past few days.
The 40-second video includes Mr Pinder saying: "Islamic state thugs, don't risk jumping in a taxi with one in Milton Keynes. Call us - Cybercabz - when booking a taxi in Milton Keynes. And don't risk getting into a dodgy cab at the station at Milton Keynes with someone who might be an Islamic State thug.'"
The video has caused uproar across the city with many people contacting MKFM to say they are upset by the content within it. It is understood that Mr Pinder has since placed a public apology on his website.
Cybercabz is licensed by South Northants Council rather than Milton Keynes Council. However, the license still allows them to operate in the Milton Keynes area.
A message on the Cybercabz website states that: "Lots of taxi companies in Milton Keynes have lost a lot of drivers.. due to CRB checks and not fulfilling proper DBS requirements."
"Many drivers have been working with horrific convictions on their record, that show they should haven't been working, so the chances you have been picked up and collected in Milton Keynes by an "IFFY" driver are high."
The website continues to state that "Some companies do not care or give a monkees (sic) about this as long as they have been getting their rent from the driver every week and filling their boots with cash."
It has also been revealed that Mr Pinder shared a number of controversial posts on his personal Facebook account from the far-right group Britain First. These included images with the caption 'It is not racist to criticise a religion'.
You can watch the video here (Warning: Contains racist content):
The story has been reported on by several other news outlets including The Sun and the Milton Keynes Citizen.
Extract from CyberCabz website, taken on 19th February 2016.