Labour-led Milton Keynes Council is set to provide extra funding to improve access for local children to mental health services.
At Cabinet last night, it was revealed that the local authority is expecting a small budget surplus at the end of this financial year of £300,000.
Recently, national reports have shown an explosion in children reporting mental health issues, but it is claimed that services provided are often not meeting demand, with NHS budgets being stretched.
A hard hitting report revealed by MKFM yesterday called for action to stop children's mental health 'escalating' in Milton Keynes.
After discussion at the cabinet meeting, the Labour Cabinet agreed to propose that part of the budget surplus should be used to increase access for children to mental health services. Funding will be used to support a local charity providing support to young people.
Cllr Zoe Nolan, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People said: “The health and well-being of our young people is our single most important concern, and always will be. Mental health issues in children are increasingly a worry and we need to improve access to help and support services.”
“I am very pleased that because of our strong financial management, Labour-led MK Council is able to propose extra funding to help improve access to mental health services for children in MK. I believe that it is not only is it the right thing to do, but financially it will save the council and the NHS money in future by preventing mental health crisis and enabling people to live fuller lives.”
“We want to ensure every child lives a healthy life to their full potential, and a Labour-led MK Council investing in increasing access to mental health services will help achieve that aim.”