Brand new community sport and physical activity centre in central Milton Keynes opened by Minister for Sport
Sport Central, a brand new activity centre in the heart of Milton Keynes, was officially opened by Minister of Sport, Tracey Crouch on Thursday 12 October, during her tour of the city last week.
The visit combined a presentation by, Neil Sainsbury, from Milton Keynes Council, followed by the unveiling of a plaque to mark the occasion.
Throughout the visit there were a number of sporting demonstrations by Milton Keynes College, The Rugby Football Union and a sport development project, Walking Football on the outside pitches.
Sport Central, was built by Milton Keynes Council, in partnership with Milton Keynes Sports Board, as a legacy on reclaimed land from the original National Hockey Stadium with investment from development contribution money from Sport England, and The Rugby Football Union.
It features a full size 3g artificial pitch, multi-use area for team games as well as a tennis court and is designed to offer a safe environment for the local community to get active and to enable the growth of football, rugby, basketball, netball and tennis.
Sport Central, will be managed by Mobashar Mahmood, as an extension to his role as partnership manager, for Hertsmere Leisure Trust, who already manage a number of sporting facilities in the area on behalf of Milton Keynes Council.
He said: “I am looking to make Sport Central, a local hub for local sports, and we are already in contact with many organisations, community groups and clubs with view to them hiring out the facilities. We also want the centre to be available for the wider community to participate in a range recreational activities.
“Plus, along with the wider sports development team, I am looking to introduce Walking Netball and Walking Football to Sport Central, in the very near future.”
For more information on hiring facilities at Sport Central, contact Mobashar on sport.central@hertsmereleisure.co.uk