Milton Keynes Veterinary Group urges pet owners to update microchips

    Pet owners are being urged to update their pets microchips as half of all dogs scanned by MK Veterinary Group in one day were not registered correctly.

    Milton Keynes Veterinary Group were part of the Park’s Trust Event “The Big Doggie Do” on Saturday 21st May. Members of the team were on hand offering to scan microchips and check the details for owners.

    Bev Cook-Abbot, Senior Receptionist who attended the event, said: “On the Saturday we were surprised at how many chips had out of date information, or weren’t even registered at all. So, on the Sunday we decided to record our findings and were shocked at the results. Of the chips we scanned on Sunday, 32 were registered correctly, 21 had incorrect or old contact details, 8 were not registered at all, 1 did not have a chip present and 21 were registered on two of the fifteen databases that do not provide vets or rescues with login facility.

    "These are worrying, as we are completely unable to check details, but could at least give the owners the information to try to check themselves. We were very happy to be able to advise the 29 owners whose chip details were incorrect or incomplete how to update them.

    "As it stands, if their dog was lost and handed in to a vets or rescue we wouldn’t be able to contact them, their much loved dog would go to the Dog Warden and if not claimed within seven days would be rehomed! Owners with incorrect or unregistered chip information could also face a fine of up to £500 as per the microchipping law that came into force in April 2016.”

    The Veterinary Group said that half of all the dogs that were scanned were not registered correctly.

    You can contact the vets and arrange a free of charge chip check on 01908 397777.

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