Milton Keynes Veterinary Group urges cat owners to understand upcoming changes on microchipping

    The new legislation means microchipping of cats will be compulsory in England, with the aim of reuniting stray or lost cats with their owners more easily and bring them back home safely.

    Caroline Lloyd, Head Veterinary Nurse at Milton Keynes Veterinary Group, wants to make cat owners aware of the upcoming changes regarding microchipping, which will be in place from the 10th June 2024. 

    In England, there are around 9 million cats to which around 2.3 million are unchipped, making it extremely difficult for veterinary practices and animal authorities to reunite these stray cats when there is no information to help find their owners.

    As part of the new law, a microchip will need to be implanted before a kitten reaches the age of 20 weeks, with the contact details being stored and kept up to date within a pet microchipping database.

    A microchip is a small implant which is inserted under the cat’s skin, containing a unique identification number. The procedure of microchipping a cat is no more painful than an injection but is such a valuable resource to assist in reuniting pets with their owners.

    For owners found not to have their cat microchipped, a period of 21 days will be given to allow for one to be implanted – or they could face a fine of up to £500.

    "Don’t delay - book your cat in with our nursing team for their microchip now! If your cat is already microchipped but you are unsure if the details are up to date, we would urge cat owners to double check the information linked to your pet’s unique identification number is still current," a spokesperson for Milton Keynes Veterinary Group said.

    "Please contact the surgery to book an appointment for your cat’s chip, or if you have any questions, and we will be happy to help."

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