Milton Keynes secondary school moves sixth form students online following rise in staff absences

    A Milton Keynes secondary school has moved sixth form pupils to online learning after COVID cases increase winter illnesses within staff.

    Stantonbury International School, located along Purbeck in Stantonbury, has informed parents today of the decision which will last for two school days.

    In the address to parents today (07/12), seen by MKFM, Associate Principal Ben Wilson explains: "This period of the term is often a time where staff absence is high due to the normal winter illnesses but Covid has made this significantly worse.

    "We have put in place several contingencies which include putting groups together to share staff, using external and internal cover staff, and cancelling any non-essential cover requirements.  Unfortunately, we are not able to bring in more agency staff as none are available."

    Concerned that they cannot safely manage the site, the school has decided to move Sixth Form students to remote learning for Tuesday and Wednesday.

    The Associate Principle has warned that if staff absence rates continue how they are, they will consider moving another year group to online learning for Thursday and Friday.

    Are you aware of any other primary or secondary schools moving to remote learning? Email us on - you will remain anonymous.

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