A local scout group is looking to open a new Scout Troop for boys and girls, aged 10 to 14, across Milton Keynes.
Bradwell Abbey Scout Group is having a taster session at The Quarries campsite, MK19 7BD on Thursday, August 29 from 7pm to 9pm. Activities being planned for the evening include caving, fire lighting, pioneering and cooking smores, and dough twists.
With over 250 activities ranging from abseiling to geocaching, hill walking to martial arts, and mechanics to zorbing, there is something for everyone.
Ian Walker, Lead Volunteer for the Group said, “Being involved with Scouts will help the children learn skills for life. These will include teamwork, leadership, self-confidence, responsibility, problem-solving, and social skills. They will be able to participate in activities they have never tried before and will make new friends.”
In a recent survey, 90% of parents/carers thought their children would benefit from learning skills for life. In another survey, 88% of children and young people involved in Scouts said they tried activities they had never done before.
The Group is also looking for some volunteers to help with the new section. Ian said, “Whatever time volunteers can give us, we will find a role for them.” He added, “We’re looking for people to volunteer directly with the children, but also for people to support us in other ways. That could be doing some administration, being a trustee or helping with the finances. Whatever skills or time you can give, we will find a role for you.”
If you have a son/daughter who might be interested or if you would like to volunteer, please complete the form or turn up on the evening.