From today onwards, residents will be invited to take part in the Census 2021.
The Office for National Statistics, which runs Census 2021, is working with Milton Keynes Council to deliver a successful census and help local services to fully meet future needs.
Between the 3rd and 12th March, all households across Milton Keynes will receive an information pack containing their unique 16-digit access code to complete the census online.
The census can be completed as soon as the pack is received, as long as you know where you will be on census day - 21st March. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete for each person who lives there.
The census will help the government, councils, and health authorities plan and fund public services like transport, education and health – from cycle routes and schools to green spaces and dental surgeries.
Lisa Robson, Census Engagement Manager for Milton Keynes, said: "Census 2021 will be crucial in giving a snapshot of life in the 21st Century and during these unprecedented times.
"Information from the Census makes a difference to the life of every single person in Milton Keynes as it’s used to plan and fund things that are important in our everyday lives; like maternity services, apprenticeship schemes, and nursery spaces locally.
"Unfortunately, those who need the services built upon the data from the census, such as those provided by our great local charities, are often those who might struggle most to complete it. Please encourage everyone to complete their census by using the support available at www.census.gov.uk
"I’m really proud to live in such a diverse city - let’s ensure the 2021 census reflects all of Milton Keynes’ different communities.”
It is compulsory to take part in the census. Those who do not complete their census questionnaire could face prosecution, a fine (up to £1000), and a criminal record.
There is a wide range of support available to help complete the census, whatever your needs. Services include:
- Help for anyone over the phone - call 0800 141 2021
- Online information and web chat at www.census.gov.uk
- Online guidance and support in many languages (https://census.gov.uk/help/languages-and-accessibility/languages) or by calling the language helpline on 0800 587 2021
- A paper version of the questionnaire, if you prefer, can be ordered online (https://census.gov.uk/) or by calling 0800 141 2021
- Accessible census guidance, for example, in braille, large print and easy-read (https://census.gov.uk/help/languages-and-accessibility/accessibility)
In Milton Keynes there is also a Census Support Centre being run by Great Linford Parish Council.
Currently, due to Covid restrictions, they are only available to assist by telephone, but as restrictions change you should be able to visit them too.
Anyone can call or email to make an appointment and they will talk you through the form as you complete it, whether you wish to do it online or have a paper version.
- To book an appointment call 01908 606613 or email glpc@great-linford.gov.uk
- Current information about opening times and services is available on the census website here https://census.gov.uk/en/find-a-support-centre/