Milton Keynes residents commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day

    A ceremony took place on Monday morning (27/1) to remember those who suffered in The Holocaust and subsequent genocides.

    The local community gathered at the Milton Keynes Rose in Campbell Park to pay their respects.

    This year marks 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Belsen.

    The ceremony included readings from Debbie Brock and Chris Roberts from the MK Cenotaph Trust, performances from the MK Synagogue Choir, a minute's silence, a poem read by MK Poet Laureate Mark Niel and remarks from the Mayor of Milton Keynes, Councillor Sam Crooks. 

    The theme this year is ‘Stand Together’, a powerful expression of solidarity that is also at heart of the trade union movement’s response to fascism, antisemitism and the politics of hate.

    It also marks the 25th anniversary of the genocide in Bosnia.

    Councillor Sam Crooks, Mayor of Milton Keynes, said: "Today is important because we also have to look forward. We need to ensure that this doesn't happen again, and one of the ways that we do that is by having an annual memorial day.

    "My wife is Jewish, so there is a personal side to this as well. Her middle name is named after a family member who was killed in a concentration camp. This is a very live issue, even now 75 years later.

    "The theme of today is 'Stand Together'. What we have to do is stand together and make sure that nothing like this ever happens again."

    Some residents who could not attend the ceremony later visited the MK Rose to pay their respects. One said: "Unfortunately I couldn't attend the holocaust memorial service due to work commitments, however I did go to the venue after work to pay my respects to the millions as I did at the internment of the remains of the six victims held at the Jewish cemetery early last year."

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