Milton Keynes residents are invited to connect with nature during Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

    Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 takes place from Monday 10th to Sunday 16th May.

    The theme for 2021 is Nature. During long months of the pandemic, millions of us turned to nature. Research on the mental health impacts of the pandemic showed going for walks outside was one of our top coping strategies and 45% of us reported being in green spaces had been a vital for our mental health. Websites which showed footage from webcams of wildlife saw hits increase by over 2000%. Wider studies also found that during lockdowns, people not only spent more time in nature but were noticing it more.

    This year’s aim is to encourage people to connect with nature, which might be somewhere right on your doorstep. Whether you do this on your own, with a friend or family member, the benefits from spending time in nature and incorporating this into your daily routine can be great!

    Key Aims for MHAW 2021

    The week is an opportunity for people to talk about all aspects of mental health, with a focus on providing help and advice. The aim is to inspire more people to connect with nature in new ways, noticing the impact that this can have for their mental health. This might be as a simple as tending to a house plant, taking a walk, listening to the birds, touching the bark of trees, smelling flowers or writing a poem about a favourite nature spot. #NatureBLMK and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #ConnectWithNature are the hashtags for sharing stories/pictures.

    How to get involved

    • Experience nature: take time to recognise and grow your connection with nature during the week. Take a moment to notice and celebrate nature in your daily life. You might be surprised by what you notice!
    • Share nature: Take a photo, video or sound recording and share the connections you’ve made during the week, to inspire others. Join the discussion on how you’re connecting with nature by using the hashtags #NatureBLMK #ConnectWithNature #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
    • Talk about nature: use tips, school packs, research and policy guides to discuss in your family, school, workplace and community how you can help encourage people to find new ways to connect with nature in your local environment

    Share the attached documents below as a way of providing information to individuals on how to look after their mental health.

    Join in with Mental Health Awareness week by sharing your story or pictures (with permission) of connecting with nature using #NatureBLMK and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #ConnectingWithNature

    For tips on how to take care of your mental health and wellbeing visit Every Mind Matters.

    The campaign provides useful resources to help you spot the signs of common mental health concerns, offering practical self-care tips and guidance, and explains when to seek further support. There is a free NHS-approved online tool on Every Mind Matters website, which helps you build an action plan to deal with stress and anxiety, boost your mood, improve your sleep and help you feel more in control. The campaign also features specific information for young people aged 13-18 years and information for parents and carers of children aged 5-18 years. To learn more about how to look after your mental health and create your own action plan, visit:

    If you would like to share any comments on the week or how you plan to get involved please email 

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