Milton Keynes raises the flag for Armed Forces Day

    Milton Keynes Council raised the Armed Forces Day flag on Monday (25 June) outside the Civic Offices following a ceremony to celebrate Armed Forces Day.

    A military march past, made up from members of 4 Royal Logistics Corp, Royal British Legion and MK Cadets, got the morning’s proceedings underway before the Mayor of Milton Keynes Cllr Martin Petchey, Council Leader Pete Marland and MKC’s Armed Forces Champion Cllr Terry Baines stood to pay their own personal tributes.

    Pupils from the Sir Herbert Leon Academy Rockband were also in attendance to perform the tracks “When we stand together” and “Seven nation army”, and the Armed Forces Day flag was raised to the National Anthem.

    Further information on Armed Forces Day, including a full list of events, can be found on the dedicated website. 

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