Milton Keynes primary school celebrates 'glowing' Ofsted report

    Rickley Park Primary School “continues to be a Good school”, following the first routine Ofsted inspection the school has received since the pandemic began.

    The school, which is part of the Inspiring Futures through Learning (IFtL) multi-academy trust, has been described in its newly-published report, Ofsted as a “vibrant place of learning”.

    The report also described how the leaders within the 465-pupil school in Bletchley “make the well-being and safety of pupils their top priority” and are “very ambitious for the pupils and set high expectations for learning”, and that children “thrive in this happy and caring school”.

    Other comments in the report included pupils behaviour during lessons and playtimes, which was described as 'friendly' and 'kind', a wide range of activities throughout their time at the school, passionate staff and positive relationships.

    Rickley Park Primary School was originally judged to be Good in December 2016.

    The inspector met senior leaders, school leaders and core academy staff as well as members of the school’s local governing body and IFtL’s Board of Trustees.

    “Our aim at Rickley Park is to install core learning values into the children that will prepare them for the wider world and enable them to achieve their individual dreams and aspirations,” said Nicole Bramwell, who was appointed Head of School in January 2020. “We recognise that children get one shot at primary school and whilst they are in our care we need to make every moment count.

    "The Ofsted report identifies how we support whole child development, through the quality of education and the wide range of enrichment opportunities we provide, to enable pupils to become the most rounded individuals they can be.

    "As the report says, we have ‘overhauled’ the curriculum, and that has gathered pace over the past 18 months. To continue to be a Good school given the journey we have all been on, but one which strives for even better, is fantastic. I am so proud of everyone.”

    Gemma Maldar, Chair of Governors at Rickley Park Primary School, said: “I am delighted with the Ofsted report, which is extremely positive both in its entirety and in specific comments. From the observations that leaders prioritise developing pupils’ love of reading and want the school’s curriculum to be even more ambitious and relevant to the children, to how children have many opportunities to develop social and emotional skills and appreciate the additional opportunities staff provide, this is a really strong reflection on the school.

    "I would like to thank all our wonderful staff, as well as my fellow governors whose contribution is acknowledged by Ofsted, including for their understanding the school’s strengths and areas for development and making sure procedures to recruit staff are safe.”

    Sarah Bennett, CEO of IFtL, said: “Rickley Park Primary School is absolutely committed to its positive impact on all pupils and I am very proud to see this celebrated in this report. The passion of everyone in this school, as recognised by Ofsted, not only to share their love of learning in an exciting and engaging way that develops each pupil’s own love of learning but also to support every child and each other in this journey is evident. Congratulations from across the IFtL family of schools to everyone in the Rickley Park school and community on your continued success.”

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