Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the relaxing of conditions on the use of Section 60 stop and search powers today (27/7).
The Section 60 order, allows officers can search anybody without needing to suspect that they might be carrying weapons.
Speaking as the government set out its new 'Beating Crime Plan' for England and Wales, the blueprint includes a permanent relaxing of conditions on the use of Section 60 stop and search powers, which will allow officers to search someone without reasonable grounds in an area where serious violence is expected.
Milton Keynes has already seen several of these orders enforced so far this year in a bid from Thames Valley Police to try and tackle knife crime, but with the Prime Ministers new plan, the government is giving the police these to use whenever they feel they need to.
When asked about stop and search during a broadcast pool clip, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: "They are not the only tool that we have got to use.
"They are part of a range of things we have got to do to fight street crime,I think that giving the police the backing that they need in law to stop someone, to search them, to relieve them of a dangerous weapon - I don't think that's strong-arm tactics, I think that's a kind and loving thing to do."
The new 'Beating Crime Plan' also includes:
-Trialling “alcohol tags”, a tag which will be able to detect alcohol in the sweat of offenders of drink-fuelled crime.
-Every neighbourhood having individual contactable police officers.
-League tables for 999 and 101 call answering times.
-Expanding the use of 24-hour electronic tags.
-The recruiting of more Thames Valley Police staff.
Matthew Barber, Thames Valley Police and Crime Commisioner , welcomes the plans and said: “I know from talking to victims the huge impact that crime can have on people’s lives and I welcome the support of the Government in seeking to tackle the issues that matter most to the public."
Iain Stewart, the MP for Milton Keynes South, commented: “The Conservative Government’s new Beating Crime Plan is most welcome here in Milton Keynes. “Having seen an increase in crime across my constituency, this plan will help to make our streets safer and, ultimately, make residents feel safer within their community. “I am particularly pleased that we are relaxing voluntary conditions on Section 60 stop and search powers, which will help in reducing the number of weapons on our streets."
You can read more about the plan here.
READ MORE- Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner welcomes Government's ‘Beating Crime Plan’