Milton Keynes' MPs call for messages of support and optimism

    Iain Stewart MP has joined Ben Everitt MP in his launch of the #ShareYourRainbows campaign.

    The campaign’s aim is to encourage people across Milton Keynes to send in their rainbows they have been creating to keep spirits up during the coronavirus lockdown.

    After being inspired by seeing so many windows in MK full of rainbows, whether they’d been drawn, painted or crafted in another way, the MPs want to share them all over their social media and website to make sure the positive messages are as widespread as possible.

    Whether it is a picture, video or a song, they want to see your messages of support and optimism for the people of Milton Keynes whilst we tackle COVID-19. As a sign of appreciation, Ben and Iain will issue an official certificate of achievement to individuals who are willing to share their positivity.

    Anybody who wants to send in their entries to the MPs can do so by sending it by email or tagging them on social media. Please do include your name and address so they may send a certificate in return. Here is how you can get in touch with the Members of Parliament:

    Ben Everitt MP (MK North)

    Email -

    Facebook – BenEverittMK

    Twitter - @Ben_Everitt

    Instagram - @BenEverittMK

    Iain Stewart MP (MK South)

    Email –

    Facebook – iainstewartmksouth

    Twitter - @iainastewart

    Instagram – @iainstewart4mk

    Ben commented: “It’s been so inspiring seeing young people in MK getting creative in difficult times like these. I’ve seen everything from rainbows made out of chalk to paper mache rainbows.

    “It really does show just how our whole city has come together to support one another so please send in your pictures and I’ll share them across my social media and website, and send you a certificate to say thank you for everything you’re doing.”

    Iain said: “When I am outside for my daily walk around where I live in MK, it is really uplifting to see so many rainbows and words of thanks and hope in so many windows.

    "Hopefully, this little initiative will help spread this even further round the community at this difficult time.”

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