Milton Keynes mayor shows support at event with over 800 scouts from across Buckinghamshire

    Mayor of Milton Keynes, Cllr Amanda Marlow, recently attended an event with over 820 Beaver Scouts from across Buckinghamshire.

    Cllr Amanda Marlow, Mayor of Milton Keynes, spent some time with Scouts from all over Buckinghamshire at an event which saw over 820 Beaver Scouts (boys and girls aged 6 to 8) attending. She also spent some time with some Explorers (boys and girls aged 14 to 17) who are going to the World Scout Jamboree in Korea next year.

    The Milton Keynes Mayor said: “All of the sections give children and young people the opportunity to try something new. Whether it’s going on the climbing wall, inside a zorb or learning some circus stills, the children will have lots of fun and adventure.

    “Scouts also provide children with so many opportunities to make friends, to socialise with others and is very rewarding for them. They will learn skills that will help them as they get older and become young people and adults.

    “54 young people aged 14 to 17 will be going to Korea in 2023 to participate in the World Scout Jamboree with 40,000 other people of the same age from nearly every country in the world. This is why Scouts is so unique in providing so many opportunities for children, young people and adult volunteers. I think that scouting teaches children and young people independence skills and resilience, it also encourages them to use their imagination as well as making friendships that will be outside their schools.”

    At the same event, James Palin, lead volunteer for Buckinghamshire Scouts said, “Watching over 820 children have a brilliant day of activities always reminds me that this day is only possible because of the brilliant volunteers we have across the County. We have over 3500 children who want to join us so they can have fun, adventure, learn new skills, make new friends and have very positive memories for years to come.”

    “We are looking for people to volunteer with young children from the age of 4 to people who want to volunteer with teenagers. We’re also looking for people who can volunteer in the background by looking after equipment, handling money or managing volunteers. We offer an award winning training programme that people can do at their own pace and this can lead to a formal qualification.”

    “Why not try volunteering with us for a few weeks and see what you think.”

    You can find out more about Scouts here.

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