Milton Keynes man covers over 20 meals and drinks for those in need

    A man has been giving back to the Milton Keynes community by offering meals and drinks to those in need daily, covering 25 meals at Café Max last week.

    Aaron, 36, has lived in Milton Keynes since birth. Growing up, he always had the urge to help others and been generous any chance he could.

    Aaron has been helping the less fortunate people in the community for months now, using his own funds to support those who don’t have the means to support themselves. Last week, Aaron went to Café Max, located in Winterhill Retail Park, and covered 25 meals and drinks for staff to give to those who needed them.

    As someone who has been homeless and didn't know where his next meal would come from, Aaron wants to give the support he never got to others.

    Aaron told MKFM, “My passion is helping people. If I can make someone’s day better, I will do it. Even if I have just £2 to my name, I will give it to them. I’m on low income myself, I do these things out of my benefit money. There is so much havoc going on and someone has to do something about it, I want to be one of those people.”

    In addition to his generous character, Aaron’s faith also plays a part in how much is willing to give back to the local community. As a Christian, Aaron lives by the parable “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” and “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

    Aaron has faced several hardships in life, but one thing he claims to have never questioned was his faith in God, and is what drives him to continue doing what he can to help those less fortunate.

    Aaron continued, “I’ve always been drawn to God. I was mixed up with the wrong people at a young age, but my heart was not in it. I have been misunderstood, taken advantage of all my life. I know God exists because with the number of things that have happened to me, I should be dead by now.”

    Aaron continues to support people in need on a daily basis, feeding those in need, providing a hot drink or just words of encouragement. As someone on benefits himself, Aaron does not always have the funds to give but makes a way.

    “I’m just trying to make a difference in humanity and put faith in people. As long as I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and a peace of mind from God, that is all I need”, Aaron added.

    Aaron currently supports and feeds people across Milton Keynes. After a recent post, another resident reached out to give support, driving around the city to deliver food and drinks to those who need it.

    Aaron hasn’t got the funds at the moment to pay people, but welcomes anyone that is willing and happy to join him in supporting the local community. He doesn’t want to stop at food; Aaron intends to support people with clothing, Christmas presents, baby nappies, formula, supporting the elderly, anything he can do.

    “I want to do something good for the community. I’m doing what I feel like I’m here to do, if people want to support me, I’ll go all the way”, Aaron concluded.

    If you would like to join Aaron in feeding and supporting those in need across the city, please contact

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