Rob Lodge, 40, from Milton Keynes won't be shaving it off until he raises £10,000 for Bloodwise.
The father of three is raising money following the death of his father.
Rob's father died in July 2019 after a short battle with Leukaemia.
In September 2019, Rob vowed he would not touch his beard until he raised £10,000 for the charity that researches into all types of blood cancer.
He has nearly reached the target, and is turning to residents of Milton Keynes for the final push.
Rob said: "As we're so close to raising this amazing amount of money, aside from helping to hit the target, it's now about the awareness of blood cancer. It's the third biggest cancer killer and 15,000 people die of it every year. In fact every day 120 people are diagnosed with blood cancer!
"If there’s one good thing that’s come from my dad’s death it’s that this fundraising activity is going to help those people who are having to deal with it - individuals and their families, who like us knew/know very little about the disease.
"The irony is that my dad detested beards! Couldn’t stand them!"
Bloodwise are the UK's specialist blood cancer charity and have been working to beat blood cancer since 1960. They fund world-class research and offer expert information and support to anyone affected by leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood cancer related disorders.
To donate, click here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bobsbeardbuzz