Milton Keynes University Hospital has launched 'the Big Conversation: Giving Birth in a Pandemic'.
'The Big Conversation: Giving Birth in a Pandemic' has launched in a bid to capture the experiences of women and families who used the hospital’s maternity services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
With the help and partnership of the Maternity Voices Partnership in MK, Milton Keynes Hopsital has launched 'the Big Conversation: Giving Birth in a Pandemic' following the publication of the Care Quality Commission’s annual maternity service survey.
The survey was completed by 167 people who gave birth in January and February 2021, during Britain’s third national lockdown.
The results for Milton Keynes University Hospital show slight improvements in people’s experience of antenatal services, as well as highlighting the strain on postnatal care, particularly as visiting was severely restricted at the time.
A spokesperson for Milton Keynes Hospital wrote: "We want to improve our services and the experience of our patients, their carers and families, and we can only do that by listening to your unique experiences and using them to inform our action plans for maternity services.
"Whether your experience has been good or bad we want to hear from you. You can remain anonymous or include your name and give us as much or as little detail as you want.
"Details that you submit will be securely sent to our senior management team so they can affect timely, positive change."
You can share your experience and find out more here.