Milton Keynes homeless community to benefit from free Family Fun Day

    Staff at one of MK’s largest employers, Cranswick Convenience Foods, have organised their third Family Fun Day to benefit The Winter Night Shelter MK – one of Cranswick’s long-term charity partners.

    A Family Fun Day will be taking place on Sunday 3rd September at Middleton Pavilion.

    The Winter Night Shelter MK, run a range of services, including a year-round welfare team who offer practical and emotional advice.

    Their latest figures show that in June 2023, nearly 50% of their guests had not experienced homelessness before, with around 20% needing advice regarding their finances.

    Funds raised at the Family Fun Day will support the charity’s vital work in Milton Keynes, helping some of the most vulnerable people across the city experiencing, and at risk of, homelessness.

    Cranswick Milton Keynes has raised over £70,000 to date for The Winter Night Shelter MK – funding the equivalent of five highly-qualified welfare workers for a whole year - and aims to smash its £90,000 fundraising target by the end of March 2024.

    This free event will give families a great day out in the last weekend of the school holidays – packed full of fairground rides, delicious food and drink, craft stalls, football skills demonstrations and much more.

    Russell Marriott, Fundraising Manager, Winter Night Shelter MK, said: “Thanks to the ongoing support from Cranswick, which is an amazing £70,000 so far, we have been able to help some of the most vulnerable people across the city.

    "Our welfare team see around 250 people a month, and thanks to Cranswick’s fundraising efforts they have helped fund countless hot meals, showers, and laundry washes for our guests, along with numerous counselling and welfare appointments.

    "Their annual Fun Day is not only a brilliant day out for all the family but helps raise much needed funds for us to continue our vital work in Milton Keynes.”

    Sam Pearl, Cranswick Milton Keynes Site Manager said: “As the School holidays draw to a close, we hope families will come along and enjoy some free fun while supporting a local homeless charity, The Winter Night Shelter MK.

    "Cranswick has a long history of supporting The Winter Night Shelter MK, providing volunteer hours and food donations to its café, and employing the Shelter’s guests, helping them get back on their feet after being homeless.

    "Our local community is incredibly important to Cranswick as we strive to make a lasting positive impact on our employees, their families and society as a whole.”

    Visitors don’t need to book tickets – just come along – from 11am on Sunday 3 September, Middleton Pavilion, Worrelle Ave, Milton Keynes, MK10 9AD.

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