Milton Keynes has been found to be the one of the hardest hit areas in England by the teacher vacancies crisis, new data has revealed.
With only 23.4 potential teachers available to fill each of its 133 teaching vacancies, Milton Keynes featured second in a list of the hardest hit areas of England by the teacher shortage.
The report, collated by education software specialist, The Access Group, analysed 2022 Census data on the number of teachers and compared this with the number of current teaching vacancies, to find out which of England’s 50 biggest towns and cities had the least number of teachers available per vacancy.
Watford was found to have the biggest teacher shortages, with only 16.6 potential teachers per vacancy, while Milton Keynes followed in second (23.4 teachers per vacancy) and Luton placed third (23.6 teachers per vacancy).
Out of the top 10 areas with the biggest teacher shortages, eight were located in the South of England, implying this is the region where the teacher vacancies crisis is felt the most.
The findings follow the news that teacher vacancies in England alone have nearly doubled since before Covid, according to a report by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER).
Top ten areas with the highest teacher shortages