At 10:33pm on Monday evening (26/04), local firefighters raced to extinguish a garden fire that occurred on Wealdstone Place, Springfield.
Attending the scene from Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service was one appliance and crew from Broughton, as well as one from West Ashland.
These crews use one hose reel and a specialised toolkit to make the site safe.
No one was reported to be injured in this incident, though the extent of damage that the shed and surrounding area sustained is currently unknown.
Responding firefighters concluded that the cause of the fire was improperly disposed of cigarettes.
Issuing safety advice on the matter, a spokesperson from Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service said: "Never throw cigarette ends out of car windows or drop them on the ground – they could start a fire and ruin the surrounding area.
"If a fire should break out or you discover a fire, leave the area as quickly as possible and ring 999 for the fire and rescue service.
"Give the exact location. If possible, give a map reference. If this is not possible, a landmark such as a farm or pub will help Firefighters locate you. Do not return to the area unless Firefighters tell you that it is safe to do so."