Woughton Community Council unanimously voted to declare a ‘Cost of Living Emergency’ at their Full Council meeting last night, as the impact of inflation, energy bills and other costs hits.
Woughton is one of the areas within Milton Keynes that faces the largest challenges – there are high numbers of people in receipt of benefits, a large social housing stock, bungalows housing people with disabilities and higher than average energy bills.
The Community Council that looks after the area, Woughton Community Council, has now unanimously voted to declare a ‘Cost of Living Emergency’.
The community council says it has already taken significant steps to address these issues; the community fridge, larder and cafe offering affordable food, social contact, and a warm, welcoming environment.
The Youth team continues to offer safe spaces where children and young people can access food, activities, and friendship.
They also have Wellbeing workers, an Advice team and community officers that help provide over 50 hours a week of direct support to help people, often when nobody else will help.
They are also continuing to explore other options, with a survey currently asking residents how they can help now, and over the coming months.
Cllr Sue Smith, Chair of Woughton Community Council said; "We hope that by making this declaration other local councils and the principal authority will support Milton Keynes residents, whilst also pushing central government and others to protect those most in need."
Cllr Donna Fuller, Leader of Woughton Community Council continued; "We know how hard it is for people at the moment and have real concerns about how the winter is going to go. Woughton is a parish that will pull together, as it always does, and this statement emphasises our commitment to supporting and protecting our residents."
You can read the full statement here.