Milton Keynes Council's Progressive Alliance hits back at Government’s unsafe cladding pledge

    MK Council's Progressive Alliance has hit back at the Government’s pledge to allocate £5bn to remove unsafe cladding across the country.

    Chancellor Rishi Sunak re-announced the funding last Wednesday, which will come from a 4% tax put on the top 30 property developers.

    Leaseholders criticised this, saying the amount is not nearly enough and that they will still be left with extortionate bills to pay for remediation works. Local leaseholders believe the government scheme is unlikely to cover any of the safety work that will be needed in Milton Keynes.  

    Earlier this month, Milton Keynes Council pledged its support to residents battling this scandal.

    A motion, calling for leaseholders to be protected from these unfair costs, was passed with cross-party support.  

    Ben Nolan, Labour Councillor for Central Milton Keynes, moved the motion: “There are thousands of innocent leaseholders living in Milton Keynes that are facing frightening bills for remediation work that is not their fault.  

    “The Government announced the £5bn fund in February so last week’s announcement is nothing new. They need to stop misleading the public and take accountability for this crisis.

    "It has been four and half years since the Grenfell Tragedy and it is despicable that people are still suffering at the hands of this Conservative Government.”

    Lib Dem Councillor Jenni Ferrans (Monkson Ward) seconded the motion: “At Full Council we heard harrowing stories from local leaseholders who are trapped in their properties, which have been valued at zero pounds, all because of the failings of this Government.

    “Where are our MPs in all of this? How can they sit by while blameless residents are evicted and even declare bankruptcy, for living in a home that is meant to be safe?”

    The Progressive Alliance is calling on residents to sign a petition, asking the Government to hold a full and independent enquiry into the cladding and fire safety scandal.  

    You can read about the petition here

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