Milton Keynes Council unveils plans to tackle climate change

    Aerial view, courtesy The Parks Trust. Photo: Steve Carey

    MK Council has unveiled plans to help Milton Keynes become carbon neutral by 2030 and carbon negative by 2050 at a bid to tackle climate change.

    Ideas within the council's Sustainability Strategy and Biodiversity Action Plan include introducing a new Energy and Carbon Hub, more energy-efficient buildings and new country parks/green spaces.

    The council worked alongside green experts last year through a series of public meetings and workshops to establish ideas to increase biodiversity across the borough.

    Councillor Jenny Marklew, Cabinet Member for Climate Action and Sustainability, said: “It is our long term vision to create a world leading sustainable city, which embraces innovation, creates high quality jobs and recognises it has a role in tackling the global challenges of climate change.”

    “We will demonstrate leadership in response to the climate emergency and will work towards carbon neutrality by 2030, while creating one of the world’s most truly sustainable economies to create a more prosperous city for all our people and future generations.”

    Cabinet will receive recommendations from these sessions and the plans on proposed low carbon energy and other green initiatives next Tuesday (10/3).

    Ideas put forward include: 

    • A proposed Energy and Carbon Hub, bringing projects together that would create low carbon energy for use by local people and businesses, as well as building the infrastructure for greener transport. 
    • The creation of new country parks in the east and west of MK, as well as more green spaces for leisure and active travel. Living roofs at bus stops and buildings would provide a home for bees, bugs, and butterflies.
    • A commitment to plant two trees for every dangerous and diseased cut down
    • The Council itself using more renewable energy (building on existing work including solar panels on the roof of the Civic offices)
    • A zero-carbon development programme for all schools and council buildings
    • Ensuring developers design-friendly environments to encourage biodiversity and wildlife in new communities.
    • Green job creation and skills training.

    Everyone across MK including business, schools, and residents are being asked by the Council to take a role in helping to tackle climate change.

    Once actions are agreed, a strategy will be developed where the Council works with partners and landowners across MK before an updated plan is presented later this year.

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