The two new services will start in April 2020, aiming to improve the health of residents experiencing harm from drugs and alcohol and support their recovery.
The Adult Drug & Alcohol Treatment Service will be delivered by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL).
It will help residents experiencing dependency or risk-taking behaviour with drugs and/or alcohol. Local people will be able to access a wide range of support from clinical assessment to substitute prescribing, group work, detox and rehabilitation.
MK Council is one of the first authorities in the UK to extend its drug and alcohol support to people experiencing problems with problematic gambling.
This could make a crucial difference for some vulnerable people. According to Science Daily, up to a fifth of those suffering drug and alcohol misuse will also have a significant gambling problem.
Alongside this scheme, the Council has also commissioned a Support, Advocacy, Mentoring and Advice Service, to be delivered by Community Led Initiatives, who run similar successful services in Bedfordshire. This is intended to help residents develop the skills and relationships needed to sustain their recovery post treatment.
Both new services will be open to friends and family of people suffering addiction and to others affected, with a focus on education and support.
Cllr Hannah O’Neill, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “This package of support services should be a valuable lifeline to vulnerable people in Milton Keynes. Sadly, gambling, alcohol and substance abuse are common addictions and everyone should have the opportunity to get good quality help to make and sustain a positive change.”
CNWL is also the provider of community mental health services in Milton Keynes. They work with vulnerable residents who experience both drug or alcohol and mental health problems.