Milton Keynes City Council has published a fact sheet to help local residents struggling with the cost of living crisis.
Milton Keynes City Council, which is run by the Progressive Alliance - a Labour and Liberal Democrat coalition - has released a list of contacts and support available to people across the city.
"If you are worried about your finances and how you are going to make ends meet, there is help available." a spokesperson for Milton Keynes City Council says.
It comes as new figures and estimations have revealed that one in five adults across the city are already behind on their household bills this year.
READ MORE: Over 40,000 people estimated to already be behind on household bills in Milton Keynes
The Progressive Alliance on Milton Keynes Council have shared figures estimating that 40,179 people across Milton Keynes are already behind on their household bills.
Today, MKFM revealed that Woughton Community Council unanimously voted to declare a ‘Cost of Living Emergency’ at their Full Council meeting last night. Woughton is one of the areas within Milton Keynes that faces the largest challenges – there are high numbers of people in receipt of benefits, a large social housing stock, bungalows housing people with disabilities and higher than average energy bills.
The community council says it has already taken significant steps to address these issues; the community fridge, larder and cafe offering affordable food, social contact, and a warm, welcoming environment.
READ MORE: Local community council in Milton Keynes declares ‘Cost of Living Emergency’
The news comes as Milton Keynes Liberal Democrats announced they are demanding Parliament to be recalled this week, following what they have described as a "shambolic budget".
They’re also calling for a tougher windfall tax on oil and gas giants to help people and businesses with their bills, and new investment in local health services.
Earlier this month, a spokesperson for Milton Keynes Food Bank has told MKFM the shelves are looking very bare, with 84 phone calls, 300 emergency parcels and 26 brand new families in just 3 days.
You can find all the support on offer from Milton Keynes City Council here.