Milton Keynes charity helping locals get back to work

    Local charity Works for Us provides free training, careers advice and employment support for people in and around Milton Keynes.

    Milton Keynes charity Works for Us has been helping local people gradually get back into work since 1978 and are currently offering free courses and support to those who have fallen upon hard times due to losing their job during the coronavirus pandemic. 

    Their completely free service offers support, advice and a range of different skills courses and is open to anyone living in Milton Keynes. All their services are currently being provided remotely (via phone, email and zoom). They can also provide digital support if you need help getting online.

    Here are some of the completely free courses that they currently have available: 

    · Interview Ready: Learn new skills and techniques for online interviews.

    · Confident to Work: Build your confidence and discover your strengths, skills and abilities.

    · Interpersonal Skills: Tips and tricks to improve relationships at work, including group work and personal coaching to build self-confidence, self-esteem and personal effectiveness.

    · Women and Work: Self-confidence and work skills for women looking to return to work or find employment for the first time.

    · Stress management: Learn new ways to manage stress and anxiety - identify the triggers, and explore the mental, emotional and physical approaches to managing stress.

    · English as a Second Language: Conversation classes for beginners. This course is also a useful refresher for anyone who hasn’t been to an ESOL class for a while.

    · Open your Mind: For anyone thinking about becoming self-employed or looking to set up a social enterprise, this course helps you explore creative thinking and enterprise skills. This is an accredited course, with participants gaining a NCFE Level 3 Award in Developing Enterprise Skills.

    For more information and to register for their free help and advice, call Works for Us on 07852 963744 or email

    You can also visit their official website by clicking here


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