Local cancer charity, Al's Pals, ask Milton Keynes residents and businesses to 'Wear Red for Al' on Tuesday 13th July.
Alan sadly passed away on 13th July 2018 and the concept behind Milton Keynes based charity Al’s Pals is to provide positive support to cancer patients. Alan’s favourite colour was red and the local charity, set up in Alan's name by his daughter, want to mark his memory by wearing red. Not only for Alan, who lost his life to cancer, but for anyone who has lost their life or is currently going through cancer.
Founder of Al's Pals, Suzanne Brown, says, "Everyone can get involved; whether you have a bright red pair of earrings, a red t-shirt or a red suit. As long as it's red, please wear it on Tuesday 13th July, upload a photo to social media tagging in @Alspalsmk, hashtag #WearRedForAl and please donate to Al's Pals via our Local Giving page [here]".
All donations go towards supporting cancer patients in a positive manner by providing thoughtful gifts to cheer up somebody's day whilst providing them support. Al’s Pals is run 100% voluntarily so any money raised from the campaign will make a real difference.
Als Pals is a local cancer charity within the Cancer Centre at Milton Keynes University Hospital. Als Pals was named after one of Milton Keynes University Hospital’s patients Alan Dumbell. Als Pals is a cancer buddy scheme that offers general support throughout the patient and their family's cancer journey.
To find out more about ‘Wear Red For Al’ please contact Al's Pals via info@alspalsmk.co.uk, enquire online via the charity's website here or watch their video below.