The ‘Clubs in Crisis’ fund has granted awards of £2,021 to 896 clubs across 42 participating community foundations, with further distributions to be made in the coming weeks.
The ‘Clubs in Crisis’ fund, a partnership between Made by Sport and Cash4Clubs, which has been funded by Flutter Entertainment with a donation of £4.79 million, has reached a major milestone, having distributed over £1.79 million in its first three months to hundreds of sports clubs across the UK, all of which have been devastated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past 18 months.
Around 65% of grants have been provided to clubs whose primary social outcomes are developing life skills and improving mental health, with the remaining focused on community building, reducing crime and anti-social behaviour, and improving youth employability.
Clubs from Milton Keynes have so far received £11,084 across 5 individual grants.
Early recipients of the Clubs in Crisis grants include MK Basketball Club who will be using the funds to purchase new equipment and offer free programmes, allowing hundreds of children to play basketball.
Peter Taylor, Founder at MK Basketball Club said: “The money kindly given to us is going towards our free programmes which we’re running in August, allowing us to run nine sessions across the month and allowing hundreds of kids to play Basketball as a means to doing something in the holidays. The fund has meant we’ve been able to secure coaches for these sessions and pay for the equipment needed so it’s been a great help.”