Ben Everitt MP has welcomed the news that £270,958 funding is being awarded to help tackle rough sleeping in Milton Keynes
MK has been awarded £270,958 as part of the Conservative Government's Rough Sleeping Drug & Alcohol Treatment Grant.
The funding will help rough sleepers off the streets at a time of year when they face falling temperatures.
It will also give them an opportunity to turn their lives around by ending the cycle of addiction.
Rough sleeping has already reduced by over a third but the Government will go even further with £640 million invested each year over the next three years to tackle the issue.
This is an 85% increase in funding compared to 2019.
This builds on the £202 million for councils to continue to help people off the streets, funding 14,500 bed spaces for rough sleepers and 2,700 specialist support staff.
Ben Everitt, the MP for Milton Keynes North, said: *This Government is determined to end rough sleeping by the end of this Parliament and I'm pleased Milton Keynes is receiving more funding to help us do that.
"I only recently visited the YMCA in MK with Housing Minister Christopher Pincher to see the fantastic work they do and it shows just how vital it is to ensure vulnerable people and rough sleepers get the support they need to get their lives back on track."