Man jailed for possession with intent to supply cocaine in Milton Keynes

    Following an investigation by Thames Valley Police, a man has been jailed for possession with intent to supply cocaine in Milton Keynes.

    Alfie Levy, aged 24, of Langland Road, Milton Keynes, was jailed for four years and eight months at Aylesbury Crown Court on Wednesday (3/4).

    A forfeiture and destruction order was also made in respect of drugs and phones.

    Levy pleaded guilty to one count of possession with intent to supply a Class A drug – cocaine - and one count of possession of criminal property.

    On 12 January this year, due to intelligence that he was in possession of drugs, Levy was detained while travelling in a taxi in Felbridge, Kents Hill.

    He was found to be in possession of cocaine, cash and a mobile phone used for drug dealing.

    Levy was arrested at the scene.

    A subsequent search of an address discovered more cocaine, a drugs preparation kit, and cash.

    The total street value of the cocaine found was about £131,000.

    Following an investigation by Thames Valley Police, Levy was charged with the offences the following day.

    Investigating officer, PC Lewis Jones of the Stronghold team in Milton Keynes, said: “Drug supply in Milton Keynes is taken seriously by Thames Valley Police.

    “We will do all that we can to pursue, arrest and convict drug dealers, who target vulnerable members of our community.

    “Drug dealers should be under no doubt, we know who you are and we will arrest you.

    “Information from the public around drug supply in our city plays an important part in developing intelligence into a proactive investigation, as demonstrated in this case.

    “If you have any information we would encourage you to report it to us by calling 101 or via our website.”

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