For the sixth annual #LoveMK Day on Thursday 3rd May, local McDonald’s franchise Kaizen Restaurants invite you to litter pick across the city.
Last month, Destination MK and hosted a Facebook poll inviting residents and businesses to vote for their nearby areas, with eight locations to choose from. The final result saw three locations chosen, and as a result the following litter picks taking place during the day:-
• 8am-10am – Westcroft/Howe Park Wood – meeting at McDonald’s Westcroft
• 12pm-2pm – Central Milton Keynes – meeting at McDonald’s Xscape
• 4pm-7pm – Kingston/Monkston/Kents Hill – meeting at McDonald’s Kingston
Ken Tomkins, owner of Kaizen Restaurants which operates five of the restaurants in Milton Keynes, commented “As a longstanding resident of Milton Keynes, I’m always keen to support #LoveMK Day. When we joined Destination Milton Keynes earlier this year, we were keen to take our love for the city a step further than previous years.”
“Love MK Day not only promotes Milton Keynes as a key destination, but it also harnesses the pride that many people have in their city. What better way to demonstrate our love for the city than to go out and make a difference to our local areas on Love MK Day?”