Local charity in Milton Keynes needs help with life-saving dogs

     Medical Detection Dogs is in urgent need of volunteer Puppy Socialisers to help them look after their young recruits and get their paws on the career ladder.

    Based in Great Horwood, the charity needs people who can care for its young dogs for several months, playing a vital role in their training to be Medical Alert Assistance Dogs.

    Could you:

    Provide a loving home with a secure garden?

    -Follow positive training methods with guidance from expert Assistance Dog Trainers?

    - Attend fortnightly training classes?

    -Transport the puppy to and from the training Centre in Great Horwood when required?

    - Take a puppy out to build confidence in public places?

    - Be brave enough to give the puppy back when they are ready for the next stage in their life saving journey?

    In return you’d receive:

    • All food, equipment and medical care
    • Insurance
    • Full support from dedicated Training and Health & Welfare teams
    • Holiday/weekend cover whenever necessary
    • Numerous personal benefits such as helping with your well-being and exercise

    Head of Training, Chris Allen, says: “Puppy Socialisers are the backbone of our charity and play a vital role in starting our dogs off on their special career path. We’ll be with you every step of the way for support and guidance and nothing beats the knowledge of knowing that you have played an important role in setting the puppy off on its journey to becoming a lifesaver.”

    Current Puppy Socialiser, Emily Richardson, says: “I’m so proud to have played a part in the journey of two Medical Alert Assistance Dogs so far. Of course it’s emotional but hearing how they are doing and the difference they are making, makes it all worthwhile.”

    Find out more by contacting caninesupply@medicaldetectiondogs.org.uk

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