Litter makes Milton Keynes people feel rubbish

    Charity call to join in with UK-wide ‘spring clean’ litter-pick.

    Millions of people living in the south east say that litter free streets would help them love where they live even more.

    A new survey reveals that 66% of adults living in the south east region of England, which includes Milton Keynes, feel less proud of their area when they see rubbish lying in the streets.

    Seven out of 10 (73%) adults across Buckinghamshire and other southern counties say they are ‘disappointed’ when they see litter in their local area, while two fifths (41%) of them are ‘angry’. A quarter say they are ‘embarrassed’ while a further fifth said they ‘called out’ litter louts, telling others not to do it. 

    The YouGov survey on behalf of environment charity Keep Britain Tidy, said residents demonstrate their love for where they live by not dropping litter, while others said they litter-picked and volunteered in their local community.

    The findings come ahead of the 10th Great British Spring Clean campaign – the nation’s biggest mass-action environmental campaign – which begins next month (21st March).

    Since 2016, the Great British Spring Clean has become the UK’s biggest mass-action environmental campaign, empowering people to pick more than four million bags of harmful rubbish from streets, parks and beaches.

    Now the charity is calling for communities, schools, businesses, faith groups and local authorities to join forces during the campaign to tackle litter and protect the environment on their doorsteps. 

    “We know there’s a problem, but we also know that people-power is part of the solution,” said Allison Ogden-Newton OBE, Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive.

    “While our research shows people perceive that litter is a significant problem in all kinds of areas, each year the Great British Spring Clean’s fantastic and dedicated #LitterHeroes take positive action to tackle litter and show they love where they live.”

    Pledge to pick via the charity’s website: and register for free for the charity’s #LitterHeroes programme.


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