Deliberations were made today as the judges for Women Leaders MK came together to select the winners of the 2017 Awards Gala evening being held at Stadium MK.
On October 13, finalists will in true ‘Oscar style’ find out whether they have won their category.
The judges who came from around the country said: “that this is the toughest year yet”, as women from in and around Milton Keynes lined up to be interviewed.
Customer Service judge, Amanda Devlin said: “Women Leaders never fails to highlight the unbelievable talent we have here in Milton Keynes and this time around was no exception. I was very lucky to be one of the judges tasked with interviewing an array of women who were all incredibly impressive. Their brilliance made it very tough to choose our winners, but I have no doubt the calibre of finalists will prove to make this year's Women Leaders a huge success. I can't wait for the awards night."
Founder Jan Flawn CBE spoke about the day saying: “I am continually impressed by the Women of Milton Keynes and their success stories that are told through the Women Leaders Awards. This has been the closest year yet with so many quality nominations and even more quality interviews. Every woman involved should be proud to have reached the finalist stage and no matter the results on the awards evening, they are all winners in my eyes.”
Laura Miller, founder of Milton Keynes Kids and finalist in three categories said: “It was so wonderful to be given the opportunity to spend time talking passionately about what I most love doing - inspiring local people to have fun days out with their kids - but also to meet some of the brilliant finalists - there's so much talent in Milton Keynes. I am so excited about the final - I can't wait to meet more of the other finalists and hear their stories about how they've become successful in their chosen fields. The awards are such a positive way of reflecting the achievements of the most formidable women in Milton Keynes”
There are still tables available for the event night, to learn more please email Or get involved with Women Leaders MK by visiting their website or following them on social media - @UK_WLs on twitter and /WomenLeadersUK on Facebook.