Denbigh School has launched its 2022 STEM Lecture Programme with seven free on-line lectures planned, led by top academics and STEM ambassadors from across the country.
The Programme is available to all students in Milton Keynes and members of the MK Community.
The lectures are based on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths ‘hot topics’ and will show how STEM subjects affect our lives and what current research trends are. The lectures will be given by STEM Ambassadors from some of the top academic establishments and organisations in the country.
A video link of each lecture will be available via the School's website at 9am on the release days.
The Programme started with Dr Laura Fox, STEM Ambassador from the University of Manchester who outlined her role as a scientist with a focus on ‘how to kill bacteria’. This lecture is available to view now via the School’s website. Scan the QR code to access the lecture and find full details of the programme.
Dr Andrea Frame, Head of School said: "We are delighted to launch our 2022 STEM on-line Lecture Programme which we hope will benefit all students across Milton Keynes. This unique programme aims to expand students’ knowledge of the STEM disciplines and to enhance their GCSE and A Level studies.
"We have sent details of the free programme to all MK Schools and hope that as many students as possible access the programme. The lectures are on-line to allow students or members of the local community to access them at their leisure and to ensure everyone’s safety. Last year was our first year with an on-line format and it was so successful we have chosen to repeat this in 2022."