Under 19’s in secondary school, college or training are invited to take over one of the city’s top jobs this November as part of national Takeover Day.
The winner of the competition gets to be the Mayor, the Chief of Police, Director of People for MK Council and the MP for Milton Keynes South for the day, and there’s still time to apply!
Takeover Day is a national event led by the Children's Commissioner for England. It offers children and young people the chance to work with adults and get involved in decision-making. This year, young people in Milton Keynes are being offered the opportunity to spend the day with the Mayor of Milton Keynes, Cllr Steve Coventry, the Local Police Area Commander, Gez Chiariello, the Director of People, Michael Bracey, or MP for Milton Keynes South, Iain Stewart.
During his or her year in office, the Mayor is the First Citizen of Milton Keynes and as such is an ambassador for the town and for the Council. He or she attends approximately 15 engagements per week and is responsible for promoting Milton Keynes as a fantastic place to live and work.
The Local Police Area Commander is the most senior police officer in Milton Keynes. He or she has responsibility for over 350 police officers and staff and will decide on a daily basis where best to deploy those officers to protect the communities across the city.
The Director of People at Milton Keynes council helps residents on social care issues and provides vital services to improve and safeguard their lives. His or her job role includes working closely with local schools and cooperate organisations.
A Member of Parliament is elected by the people for a constituency; in this case, Milton Keynes South. An MP debates matters of policy in Parliament and helps constituents with dealings they have with the local council, housing associations, the Home Office, and more.
To enter the competition, young people up to the age of 19 who are in secondary school, college, or training will need to download an applications pack and return it by 7 November. This can be found at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/takeover.
Questions should be directed to 01908 253624.