Three times the charm: Asian Short-Clawed Otter Pups born at Woburn Safari Park!
Keepers in the Foot Safari are delighted to announce the arrival of three tiny new residents - Asian short-clawed otter pups, who were born to proud parents Beatrix and Kovu!
Born last month and now venturing out of the den, their arrival means the pair’s first pup, Thiên thần, now takes on the role of big sister to the latest additions.
The pups were born on 7th October 2024 and, according to keepers, both mother and pups are keeping well. Beatrix has proven to be an attentive and nurturing mother, with the team carefully monitoring the family, without disturbing their den.
Keepers follow a protocol following the birth of otter pups, which ensures they do not disturb important bonding time. They have a hands-off approach and let Beatrix and pups have time for nesting and breeding. As the precious pups grow, keepers will discreetly observe to ensure both mom and pups are healthy, comfortable, and adjusting well.
Mum has plenty of help with the newest arrivals, from other members of the family, as both dad and big sister Thiên thần take turns in bringing food.
The importance of microchipping
The otter pups will be microchipped as an important step in the animal care process. Microchipping allows keepers to monitor each animal’s health history. At Woburn Safari Park, each young animal is microchipped at an appropriate age, and for these little otters, the team have microchipped them at seven weeks old.
The microchip itself is a tiny device, quickly implanted under the skin by trained professionals. This procedure ensures that essential information - such as the pup’s parents, birth details, medical records, and any past treatments - is easily accessible, providing both keepers and veterinarians with a detailed history that supports long-term health and safety.
The Otter Falls Family
There is now a family of six otters living at Woburn Safari Park’s Otter Falls. Mum, Beatrix, dad, Kovu, older sister, Thiên thần and the three new pups, who have all been recorded as male.
Beatrix and Kovu’s first pup Thiên thần recently celebrated a very special first birthday on the 3 rd of December. These births represent a massive success for the conservation of this endangered species and keepers are over the moon to welcome another three pups to the family group.
The Asian short-clawed otter species is currently classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, facing numerous threats in the wild; including habitat destruction, pollution, and the exotic pet trade. Every new birth is a step forward for conservation efforts, and this little otter’s arrival, along with Thiên thần, plays a significant role in the species’ future.
You can visit the otter family at Otter Falls in the Foot Safari. Don’t miss the chance to meet the family on your next trip!