Increased police presence at Milton Keynes Central as officers tackle 'aggressive begging'

    Image: TVP Milton Keynes

    Police have launched a new operation to focus on aggressive begging and alcohol fuelled anti-social behaviour outside Milton Keynes Central.

    Yesterday (6/11), Thames Valley Police launched 'Operation Desktop'.

    The operation has been organised to address the public's concerns in relation to persistent alcohol fuelled anti-social behaviour and aggressive begging outside of Milton Keynes Central Train station by a group of identified individuals, a spokesperson for Thames Valley Police explained on Facebook.

    Milton Keynes Central is currently covered by two Public Spaces Protection Order's (PSPO's), one being anti-social vehicle use and the other being alcohol related anti-social behaviour.

    Police are able to:

    • Require a person to not consume alcohol or anything which they reasonably believe to be alcohol.
    • Require a person to surrender anything in their possession which is, or which they reasonably believe to be, alcohol or a container of alcohol.

    Under Part 4, Section 59 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 the Alcohol PSPO.

    "The PSPO has been issued as those engaging in the prohibited activities above have had a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality through persistent and continuing behaviour," police say.

    "This behaviour has led to members of the public feeling intimidated by the individuals and this is completely unacceptable."

    Support and assistance has been offered to all individuals involved through working in partnership with ARC (Addiction Recovery Community) and Milton Keynes City Council’s housing department.

    A spokesperson said: "A number of these individuals are not homeless and have access to suitable housing. Those that are currently homeless have been offered suitable housing however have chosen not to accept or to engage with the Council."

    There is set to be an increased police presence in the area.

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