There has been an increase in motorbike thefts and garage break-ins across Milton Keynes.
Thames Valley Police (TVP) have advised motorbike owners to reduce their risk of becoming a victim by taking steps to layer their security. Using a disc lock to secure the front brake disc is advisable.
Some other suggestions to reduce risk of theft include:
- Use a cover for vehicle
- Remove Keys
- Fit in an alarm
- Property mark the parts
Garages are an easy target for thieves, especially for an opportunistic thief who is looking for tools to break into the main property. TVP have advised that owners check with their insurers that the contents of their shed or garage are covered. To lower risk of theft, it is worth having a quality padlock on the door, with screws on show.
The top five most common items to be stolen from a shed/garage are:
- Bikes
- Mowers
- Sports equipment
- Power tools
- Garden tools
It is crucial to never leave your garage/shed unlocked, and doors closed whenever possible to avoid exposing the items inside.
You can find more information about motorbike security at https://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/keeping-vehicles-safe/theft-motorcycles-scooters/
For more information on garage safety - https://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/protect-home-crime/secure-shed-garage/